This was the first group project in which we made a point and click game. My team and I decided to make the game about the snail that always moves towards you and if it touches you die, but decided to make a little more child friendly and so went with the snail that had to go help a boy go to sleep.
Level Breakdown
The City
I used Adobe XD for designing the levels. This first level was a qucik sketch with very little information on what things do and was mostly itterated upon by another teammate. It was maant to start in a city background and follow end in the backyard where the second level will take over.
The Garden
The garden was where I started desging the path and interacables. Here I made each object that can be interacted and in what way, making it clear for my team what needed to happen and how to code the logic.
The Bedroom
In the bedroom, the final level I did mostly the same as the Garden level, where I made the path clear to the team and indicated what each interactable should do.


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