This was another group project game in which we made a physics based puzzle game. I mainly helped in making the level design, worked with the artists on what assets needed to be done and with the engineers to make sure the levels were playable after designing them.
Level Breakdown
Normal and Slanted Platforms
These platforms are meant to be placed by the player before pressing start adn the owl will bounce off of them at an angle. The player mmust use all the platforms given to them and they will dissapear after the owl touches them once.
The vortex is a something that is alredy placed in the level and the player has to put the platforms and play around this mechanic. What this does is that it will curve the trajectory of the owl. This feature is implemented quite early and the levels were designed tin such a way that the player can understand them first and then the levels get harder.
The tubes are similar to the ones in the Mario games. The owl will enter the tube on one side and exit on the other. These are also preplaced and the player must play around them. These are introduced later in the game and also have a few levels to understand how they work and play a bit around before they get too complicated.

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